Categorías Lexicales y uso del Diccionario.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu área de interés. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces. Agrega las abreviaciones.
Helping Employees Maintain Work/Life Balance

- Overworked and overstressed employees are more likely to get sick and have high absentee rates.
- A lack of work/life balance affects an employee’s attitude. Unhappy workers are typically less efficient and can destroy morale.
- Burnout directly affects turnover rates. Employees can work at a frantic pace for only so long before they get frustrated and leave a company.
Employee burnout is caused by a number of things, including an employee’s own abilities, their workload, their responsibilities and how much support they have in the workplace. But there are things you can do help employees juggle work and home life. Even the smallest efforts show your employees that you respect their personal time and make them feel good about their relationship with you and the company.
Give employees comp days. Certain projects or seasons require an unusual amount of work or overtime. After these busy periods are over, reward your employees with a comp day or two. It will emphasize how much you appreciate their efforts and the sacrifices they've made. Plus, it increases the chances that they'll voluntarily pitch in for the next big project.
Palabras Desconocidas:
Lack: Carencia(sustantivo)
Burnout: Agotamiento (Verbo Intransitivo)
Efforts: Esfuerzo (Sustantivo)
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
Dan unos tips para ayudar a los empleados a mantener un balance entre el trabajo y su vida ya que el agotamiento del empleado tiene un gran impacto en la productividad y otros efectos negativos.
3. Categorías lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoría)
- Palabras de contenido: Company, Employees
- Palabras de Función: Of, But
- Verbos: Overstressed, Can
- Adverbio: Likely, directly
- Adjetivo: These, Smallest
- Artículo: The, an
- Preposiciones: But, By
- Conjunción: And, Or
- Cognados verdaderos: Produtivity, Impact
- Cognados Falsos: Chances, Rates
- Sufijo: Including, Turnover
- Prefijos: Unhappy, overtime
Estructura de la oración: (2 ejemplos)
Frase: 1
Helping your employees maintain work/life balance isn’t something you do just for them — it can be vital to the health of your company.
Frase nominal: Helping your employees maintain work/life balance
Núcleo de la frase nominal: employees
Pre modificadores: Helping your
Post modificadores: maintain work/life balance
Frase verbal: isn’t something you do just for them — it can be vital to the health of your company.
Núcleo de la frase verbal: isn’t
Tiempo verbal: Presente simple
Frase: 2
Employee burnout is caused by a number of things, including an employee’s own abilities, their workload, their responsibilities and how much support they have in the workplace.
Frase nominal: Employee burnout
Núcleo de la frase nominal: burnout
Pre modificadores: --------
Post modificadores: ---------
Frase verbal: is caused by a number of things, including an employee’s own abilities, their workload, their responsibilities and how much support they have in the workplace.
Núcleo de la frase verbal: is
Tiempo verbal: Pasado simple
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