sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Bueno realmente  al inicio tenía muchas expectativas respecto a este curso....
Las Clase en los salones fueron muy dinámicas ya que hasta utilizamos la tecnología en nuestros teléfonos para apóyarnos en las actividades.
Las presentaciones fueron de mucha ayuda para guiarnos en las Actividades a entregar, sin embargo lo mejor fue contar con el acceso a los blogs de otros que ya habían pasado por esto….
Fue  mucho lo que aprendí aquí ya que aparte de mejorar nuestros conocimientos en Ingles, por lo menos yo ya manejo una nueva herramienta que me parece muy interesante como son los Blogs.....
El grupo es muy activo, por lo que se podía consultar entre nosotros
Cualquier duda y se conseguía el apoyo.
Me parece una buena opción utilizar las herramientas electrónicas disponibles para el aprendizaje ya que se hace de forma más dinámica y nos permite a la vez jugar con nuestra creatividad ante nuevos escenarios, como el uso de los blogs.
Definitivamente fueron muchas las herramientas que nos suministro y ahora puedo enfrentar un texto en ingles sin miedo.
¿vas a continuar leyendo textos en ingles? Claro!!! Hay mucha información que llega primero en este idioma y con las herramientas aprendidas se que será mas fácil.
¿Que sugieres para los próximos cursos?
Que aprovechen al máximo este tipo de aprendizaje, es dinámico y nos ayuda aprovechar las herramientas electrónicas que tenemos a la mano……….

Taller Unidad 3 y 4

Unidad 3
Técnicas de lectura: predicción, scanning y skimming
Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen.
Organizational Structure
An organizational structure consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims.[1] It can also be considered as the viewing glass or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment.[2]
Many organizations have hierarchical structures, but not all.[citation needed]
An organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on their objectives. The structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs.
Organizational structure allows the expressed allocation of responsibilities for different functions and processes to different entities such as the branch, department, workgroup and individual.
Organizational structure affects organizational action in two big ways. First, it provides the foundation on which standard operating procedures and routines rest. Second, it determines which individuals get to participate in which decision-making processes, and thus to what extent their views shape the organization’s actions
Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.
De acuerdo al título y la imagen: ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Definir que esuna Estructura Organizativa.
¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
Hablan sobre la definición de una Estructura Organizativa, dicen que esta se compone de actividades como la asignación de tareas, la coordinación y supervisión, que están dirigidos al logro de los objetivos de la organización.
¿Qué palabras se repiten?
Organizational, organization, organizations,
¿Qué palabras se parecen al español?
Organization, structure, consists, coordination, supervisión, different, responsibilities, operating
¿Cuáles son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
El titulo: Organizational Structure y la imagen
¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
Dan una definición de estructura Organizativa, dicen que una organización se puede estructurar de muchas maneras diferentes, que la Estructura de la Organización permite la asignación de responsabilidades para las diferentes funciones y procesos.
La Estructura de la Organización afecta a la acción organizacional en dos grandes maneras. En primer lugar, proporciona la base sobre la que los procedimientos operativos estándar y el resto de rutinas. En segundo lugar, se determina que los individuos llegar a participar en la toma de decisiones, por lo tanto en qué medida sus puntos de vista forma las acciones de la organización.

Unidad 4

Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo

A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia. Lea el texto y extraiga: Las definiciones y los marcadores de definición. 
Human Resources
Human resources is a term used to describe the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example, business sectors or even whole nations. Human resources is also the name of the function within an organization charged with the overall responsibility for implementing strategies and policies relating to the management of individuals (i.e. the human resources). This function title is often abbreviated to the initials "HR".
Human resources is a relatively modern management term, coined as early as the 1960s - when humanity took a shift as human rights came to a brighter light during the Vietnam Era. [1] The origins of the function arose in organizations that introduced 'welfare management' practices and also in those that adopted the principles of 'scientific management'. From these terms emerged a largely administrative management activity, coordinating a range of worker related processes and becoming known, in time, as the 'personnel function'. Human resources progressively became the more usual name for this function, in the first instance in the United States as well as multinational or international corporations, reflecting the adoption of a more quantitative as well as strategic approach to workforce management, demanded by corporate management to gain a competitive advantage, utilizing limited skilled and highly skilled workers
Marcadores de Definición
Los recursos humanos es un término usado para describir a los individuos.
Los recursos humanos es también el nombre de la función dentro de una organización encargada de la responsabilidad general de la aplicación de estrategias y políticas.
Los recursos humanos es un término relativamente moderno de gestión.
B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga las palabras de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford was an inventor, philanthropist and successful American businessman. Ford was the founder of the still popular Ford Motor Company which had its first success with the Model T Ford car that was released in 1908. Henry Ford revolutionized the way cars were designed and built, introducing assembly line factories for producing mass amounts of vehicles that led to lower prices for consumers and an explosion in car ownership throughout the United States.
Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan, United States, in what was then known as Springwells Township. Ford's parents were Irish immigrants and the family lived on a farm, with Henry Ford being the eldest of six children. The family had a comfortable upbringing on the farm with a decent income, but even as a young person, Ford believed there was too much work and not enough income living from the land.

"It was life on the farm that drove me into devising ways and means to better transportation. I was born on July 30, 1863, on a farm at Dearborn, Michigan, and my earliest recollection is that, considering the results, there was too much work on the place." Henry Ford Quote
Ford began his career as an apprentice machinist in 1879, then returned to his family farm in 1882 before starting work with the Westinghouse company to service their steam engines. Ford then went to work at the Edison Illuminating Company where he became chief engineer in 1893.
Henry Ford had always enjoyed mechanical things and was always trying to improve or create more useful machinery. In 1893 he created his first gasoline driven buggy or Quadricycle that was completely self propelled. He then started the Detroit Automobile Company with several other investors to improve on his design, but the company went bankrupt soon after. Ford then started the Henry Ford Company, which he also left, before eventually starting the Ford Motor Company in 1903.
The Ford Motor Company released the successful Model T car in 1908. Generally cars were built one at a time and were only accessible to the very wealthy, but Ford continued to improve the way the cars were manufactured. In 1913 the cars were being mass produced by one of the first moving assembly lines. In 1918, half of the total amount of cars in the United States were Model T's, 15 million cars were sold, and production of the Model T was finally stopped in 1927.
Ford also had interests in politics but was never successful as a politician, and unsuccessfully ran for Senate as a Democrat. He also had strong views on labor and how the workforce should be treated. He paid his workers more money for less working days and made the 5 day 40 hour working week a normal part of working life.
Henry Ford created the Ford Foundation in 1936 to promote human welfare through research grants, educational grants and development.
In 1947, at the age 83 Henry Ford died of a cerebral hemorrhage and was buried in the Ford Cemetery in Detroit.
Palabras de Secuencia
Marcadores de Tiempo
Idea general del párrafo
Hablan de la vida de Henry Ford que fue un hombre de negocios inventor, filántropo y exitoso. Ford fue el fundador de la todavía popular Ford Motor Company, que tuvo su primer éxito con el modelo de coche Ford T que se publicó en 1908. Henry Ford revolucionó la manera como los carros eran diseñados y construidos, la introducción de las fábricas de la línea de producción en cantidades masivas de vehículos que llevó a precios más bajos para los consumidores.

Actividad en Clase. Unidad IV

A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia.
Lea el texto y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores del discurso.

     The Organizational Climate Assessment

The Organizational Climate Assessment is a powerful instrument, especially when provided organization-wide with specific departmental demographic separation and analysis. Each category has been designed to assess one of the key categories, which affect employee performance. This assessment should be administered anonymously company wide, broken out by departments of 6 or more people to protect the identities of respondents. Every precaution should be taken to insure confidentiality in order that respondents will feel comfortable sharing their true opinions and perspectives.
The objective of performing an employee climate assessment is to identify the key areas which are hindering production, reducing effectiveness and which might generate unexpected costs in the near future. The idea and approach is for the organization not to simply perform an academic exercise, simply because they ‘do it at this time every year’, but to critically examine themselves to see where the company and it’s employees might be finely tuned to generate higher levels of performance. Once identified, opportunities to strengthen existing approaches, which are working well, as well as select appropriate interventions for addressing the weakest areas, should be aggressively pursued for the maximum benefit of everyone.

Definición y Marcadores de Discurso

The Organizational Climate Assessment is a powerful instrument, especially when provided organization-wide with specific departmental demographic separation and analysis.

*Is a
*Designed to
*This assessment
*Is to
*Which are

Idea Principal del Texto

El texto define la evaluación del clima organizacional, el cual es un un instrumento que se utiliza cuando se proporciona toda la organización con departamentos específicos de separación y análisis demográficos. De igual manera, describe como debe ser administrada y el objetivo de la realización de esta, que permitirían identificar las debilidades para fortalecerlas y sacar el máximo de beneficio.

B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga los marcadores de discurso, diga si son de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.



Dr. C. George Boeree


Abraham Harold Maslow was born April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York.  He was the first of seven children born to his parents, who themselves were uneducated Jewish immigrants from Russia.  His parents, hoping for the best for their children in the new world, pushed him hard for academic success.  Not surprisingly, he became very lonely as a boy, and found his refuge in books.

To satisfy his parents, he first studied law at the City College of New York (CCNY).  After three semesters, he transferred to Cornell, and then back to CCNY.  He married Bertha Goodman, his first cousin, against his parents wishes.  Abe and Bertha went on to have two daughters.

He and Bertha moved to Wisconsin so that he could attend the University of Wisconsin.  Here, he became interested in psychology, and his school work began to improve dramatically. He spent time there working with Harry Harlow, who is famous for his experiments with baby rhesus monkeys and attachment behavior.

He received his BA in 1930, his MA in 1931, and his PhD in 1934, all in psychology, all from the University of Wisconsin.  A year after graduation, he returned to New York to work with E. L. Thorndike at Columbia, where Maslow became interested in research on human sexuality.

He began teaching full time at Brooklyn College.  During this period of his life, he came into contact with the many European intellectuals that were immigrating to the US, and Brooklyn in particular, at that time -- people like Adler, Fromm, Horney, as well as several Gestalt and Freudian psychologists.

Maslow served as the chair of the psychology department at Brandeis from 1951 to 1969.  While there he met Kurt Goldstein, who had originated the idea of self-actualization in his famous book, The Organism (1934).  It was also here that he began his crusade for a humanistic psychology -- something ultimately much more important to him than his own theorizing.

He spend his final years in semi-retirement in California, until, on June 8 1970, he died of a heart attack after years of ill health.

Marcadores de Tiempo

*April, 1908
*Year after graduation

Marcadores de Secuencia

*During this period
*Final years

Idea Principal del Texto

El texto habla de sobre la vida de ABRAHAM MASLOW.

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Unidad. IV Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo

1.  Lea el texto y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores de discurso.


A strategic alliance is a business arrangement in which two or more firms cooperate for their mutual benefit. Firms may combine their efforts for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, sharing knowledge, expertise, and expenses as well as to gain entry to new markets or to gain a competitive advantage in one. Further, creation of a strategic alliance may turn actual or potential competitors into partners working toward a common goal. Use of strategic alliances has become a major tool for businesses that are internationalizing their operations. Therefore, use of strategic alliances has expanded dramatically over the past decade, and their use will continue to increase as we enter the 21st century.
This article provides an introduction to strategic alliances. First, characteristics of a strategic alliance are examined and examples are given. Second, the benefits of strategic alliances are discussed, and, third, choices involved in formation of a strategic alliance are explored. Finally, the special considerations for international strategic alliances are discussed. 

Marcadores de Definición

2. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga los marcadores de discurso, diga si son de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.


 Popular singer and film actor, born in Tupelo, Mississippi, USA. An only child (a twin brother was stillborn), he was raised in a religious home. As a boy he sang with his local Assembly of God church choir, which emulated the style of African-American psalm singing. At age 10 he won a school singing contest and taught himself the rudiments of the guitar (though he never really could read music). In 1948 he moved with his family to Memphis, TN, where he graduated from high school (1953) and began working as a truck driver and studying at night classes to be an electrician. Later that year he made a private recording for his mother at the Memphis Sound Studio, where he attracted the attention of proprietor Sam Phillips (1923-2003), who also operated Sun Records, a fledgling blues label. In July 1954 Phillips had Presley record his first singles, 'That's All Right, Mama' and 'Blue Moon of Kentucky', a synthesis of rhythm-and-blues and country-and-western that was for a time described as 'rockabilly'. The record made an immediate impression on local listeners, who were bewildered to learn that Presley was white, but their enthusiasm for his style of dress, bodily movements, and music signalled the beginnings of rock 'n' roll.

Marcadores de Tiempo

Tipo de texto

Biografía de Elvis Presley

Idea general del párrafo
Es un resumen de la vida del  popular cantante y actor de cine Elvis presley.

Unidad. III Aproximación al Texto

Actividad 1: Predicción, deducción, Skimming

1. Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen

 Marine Mammal Program

The development, training, veterinary care, and research facility that supports today's Navy Marine Mammal Program is centered in the Biosciences Division of the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) located in San Diego, California. However, the Navy's work with marine mammals has been going on for many years. It got its start in the late 1950s when the Navy began to study the unique attributes of marine mammals such as the hydrodynamics of the dolphin. By understanding how dolphins move in the water, perhaps the Navy could improve torpedo, ship, and submarine designs. Soon the Navy realized that dolphins would be valuable assistants to Navy divers working in the open ocean. Unlike human divers, dolphins are capable of making repeated deep dives without experiencing the bends or decompression sickness. They also found that dolphins and sea lions are highly reliable, adaptable, and trainable marine animals that could be conditioned to search for, detect, and mark the location of objects in the water.

In the early days of the program, various marine mammal species were considered including: killer whales, pilot whales, belugas (white whales), Steller sea lions, grey seals, and fur seals. Other animals were used in various studies pertaining to locating personnel from downed aircraft and creating effective shark deterrents to protect them until they could be rescued. As the animals were assessed for their capabilities, much about their basic biology was learned.
Today, bottlenose dolphins and California sea lions perform a number of important functions such as protecting ports and Navy assets from swimmer attack, locating and attaching recovery hardware to expensive exercise and training targets, and locating potentially dangerous sea mines.

Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas:

De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Algo sobre los animales marinos.

¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
Hablan sobre un programa de capacitación en la Marina con los mamíferos marinos, que tiene su inicio a finales de 1950 cuando la Armada comenzó a estudiar los atributos únicos de los mamíferos marinos, dicen que a  diferencia de los buceadores humanos, los delfines son capaces de hacer repetidas inmersiones profundas sin experimentar  enfermedad por descompresión. También descubrieron que los delfines y leones marinos son altamente confiables, adaptable y entrenables animal, es marinos.

¿Que palabras se repiten?

¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Veterinary, submarine, Program, Centered, Systems,  Center, experiencing, decompression, adaptable, animals, species,

¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
Marine Mammal Program y La imagen presentadas al inicio del texto

¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
El programa de capacitación en la Marina con los mamíferos marinos ayuda realizar una serie de funciones importantes como la protección de los puertos y los activos de la Armada de los ataques y la localización de minas marinas potencialmente peligrosas.

Actividad 2: Scanning

1. Seleccione un texto  y escribe 4 preguntas puntuales sobre fechas, sitios, etc) (utiliza una biografía referente a algún autor de tu área de experticia))

Born: Feb. 11, 1847, Milan, Ohio, U.S.
Died: Oct. 18, 1931, West Orange, N.J.
Thomas Alva Edison was the quintessential American inventor. He began his career in 1863, in the adolescence of the telegraph industry, when virtually the only source of electricity was primitive batteries putting out a low-voltage current. Before he died, in 1931, he had played a critical role in introducing the modern age of electricity. From his laboratories and workshops emanated the phonograph, the carbon-button transmitter for the telephone speaker and microphone, the incandescent lamp, a revolutionary generator of unprecedented efficiency, the first commercial electric light and power system, an experimental electric railroad, and key elements of motion-picture apparatus, as well as a host of other inventions.

Edison experienced his finest hours at Menlo Park. While experimenting on an underwater cable for the automatic telegraph, he found that the electrical resistance and conductivity of carbon varied according to the pressure it was under. This was a major theoretical discovery, which enabled Edison to devise a "pressure relay" using carbon rather than the usual magnets to vary and balance electric currents. In February 1877 Edison began experiments designed to produce a pressure relay that would amplify and improve the audibility of the telephone, a device that Edison and others had studied but which Alexander Graham Bell was the first to patent, in 1876. By the end of 1877 Edison had developed the carbon-button transmitter that is still used in telephone speakers and microphones.

1. ¿Cuándo y dónde nació Thomas Alva Edison?
Thomas Alva Edison nació el 11 de febrero 1847, en Milan, Ohio, EE.UU.
2. ¿Quién Fue?
Thomas Alva Edison fue el inventor estadounidense por excelencia. Comenzó su carrera en 1863, en la adolescencia de la industria del telégrafo.
3. ¿Cuáles fueron sus inventos?
Desde sus laboratorios y talleres emanó el fonógrafo, el transmisor de carbono-botón del altavoz del teléfono y micrófono, la lámpara incandescente, un generador de eficiencia, la primera luz eléctrica comercial, unferrocarril eléctrico experimental, y los elementos clave de aparatos de imágenes en movimiento, así como una serie de otras invenciones.
4. ¿Cuándo y donde murió?
Murió el 18 de Octubre 1931, en West Orange, N.J.