jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Unidad. IV Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo

1.  Lea el texto y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores de discurso.


A strategic alliance is a business arrangement in which two or more firms cooperate for their mutual benefit. Firms may combine their efforts for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, sharing knowledge, expertise, and expenses as well as to gain entry to new markets or to gain a competitive advantage in one. Further, creation of a strategic alliance may turn actual or potential competitors into partners working toward a common goal. Use of strategic alliances has become a major tool for businesses that are internationalizing their operations. Therefore, use of strategic alliances has expanded dramatically over the past decade, and their use will continue to increase as we enter the 21st century.
This article provides an introduction to strategic alliances. First, characteristics of a strategic alliance are examined and examples are given. Second, the benefits of strategic alliances are discussed, and, third, choices involved in formation of a strategic alliance are explored. Finally, the special considerations for international strategic alliances are discussed. 

Marcadores de Definición

2. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga los marcadores de discurso, diga si son de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.


 Popular singer and film actor, born in Tupelo, Mississippi, USA. An only child (a twin brother was stillborn), he was raised in a religious home. As a boy he sang with his local Assembly of God church choir, which emulated the style of African-American psalm singing. At age 10 he won a school singing contest and taught himself the rudiments of the guitar (though he never really could read music). In 1948 he moved with his family to Memphis, TN, where he graduated from high school (1953) and began working as a truck driver and studying at night classes to be an electrician. Later that year he made a private recording for his mother at the Memphis Sound Studio, where he attracted the attention of proprietor Sam Phillips (1923-2003), who also operated Sun Records, a fledgling blues label. In July 1954 Phillips had Presley record his first singles, 'That's All Right, Mama' and 'Blue Moon of Kentucky', a synthesis of rhythm-and-blues and country-and-western that was for a time described as 'rockabilly'. The record made an immediate impression on local listeners, who were bewildered to learn that Presley was white, but their enthusiasm for his style of dress, bodily movements, and music signalled the beginnings of rock 'n' roll.

Marcadores de Tiempo

Tipo de texto

Biografía de Elvis Presley

Idea general del párrafo
Es un resumen de la vida del  popular cantante y actor de cine Elvis presley.

Unidad. III Aproximación al Texto

Actividad 1: Predicción, deducción, Skimming

1. Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen

 Marine Mammal Program

The development, training, veterinary care, and research facility that supports today's Navy Marine Mammal Program is centered in the Biosciences Division of the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) located in San Diego, California. However, the Navy's work with marine mammals has been going on for many years. It got its start in the late 1950s when the Navy began to study the unique attributes of marine mammals such as the hydrodynamics of the dolphin. By understanding how dolphins move in the water, perhaps the Navy could improve torpedo, ship, and submarine designs. Soon the Navy realized that dolphins would be valuable assistants to Navy divers working in the open ocean. Unlike human divers, dolphins are capable of making repeated deep dives without experiencing the bends or decompression sickness. They also found that dolphins and sea lions are highly reliable, adaptable, and trainable marine animals that could be conditioned to search for, detect, and mark the location of objects in the water.

In the early days of the program, various marine mammal species were considered including: killer whales, pilot whales, belugas (white whales), Steller sea lions, grey seals, and fur seals. Other animals were used in various studies pertaining to locating personnel from downed aircraft and creating effective shark deterrents to protect them until they could be rescued. As the animals were assessed for their capabilities, much about their basic biology was learned.
Today, bottlenose dolphins and California sea lions perform a number of important functions such as protecting ports and Navy assets from swimmer attack, locating and attaching recovery hardware to expensive exercise and training targets, and locating potentially dangerous sea mines.

Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas:

De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
Algo sobre los animales marinos.

¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
Hablan sobre un programa de capacitación en la Marina con los mamíferos marinos, que tiene su inicio a finales de 1950 cuando la Armada comenzó a estudiar los atributos únicos de los mamíferos marinos, dicen que a  diferencia de los buceadores humanos, los delfines son capaces de hacer repetidas inmersiones profundas sin experimentar  enfermedad por descompresión. También descubrieron que los delfines y leones marinos son altamente confiables, adaptable y entrenables animal, es marinos.

¿Que palabras se repiten?

¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Veterinary, submarine, Program, Centered, Systems,  Center, experiencing, decompression, adaptable, animals, species,

¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
Marine Mammal Program y La imagen presentadas al inicio del texto

¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
El programa de capacitación en la Marina con los mamíferos marinos ayuda realizar una serie de funciones importantes como la protección de los puertos y los activos de la Armada de los ataques y la localización de minas marinas potencialmente peligrosas.

Actividad 2: Scanning

1. Seleccione un texto  y escribe 4 preguntas puntuales sobre fechas, sitios, etc) (utiliza una biografía referente a algún autor de tu área de experticia))

Born: Feb. 11, 1847, Milan, Ohio, U.S.
Died: Oct. 18, 1931, West Orange, N.J.
Thomas Alva Edison was the quintessential American inventor. He began his career in 1863, in the adolescence of the telegraph industry, when virtually the only source of electricity was primitive batteries putting out a low-voltage current. Before he died, in 1931, he had played a critical role in introducing the modern age of electricity. From his laboratories and workshops emanated the phonograph, the carbon-button transmitter for the telephone speaker and microphone, the incandescent lamp, a revolutionary generator of unprecedented efficiency, the first commercial electric light and power system, an experimental electric railroad, and key elements of motion-picture apparatus, as well as a host of other inventions.

Edison experienced his finest hours at Menlo Park. While experimenting on an underwater cable for the automatic telegraph, he found that the electrical resistance and conductivity of carbon varied according to the pressure it was under. This was a major theoretical discovery, which enabled Edison to devise a "pressure relay" using carbon rather than the usual magnets to vary and balance electric currents. In February 1877 Edison began experiments designed to produce a pressure relay that would amplify and improve the audibility of the telephone, a device that Edison and others had studied but which Alexander Graham Bell was the first to patent, in 1876. By the end of 1877 Edison had developed the carbon-button transmitter that is still used in telephone speakers and microphones.

1. ¿Cuándo y dónde nació Thomas Alva Edison?
Thomas Alva Edison nació el 11 de febrero 1847, en Milan, Ohio, EE.UU.
2. ¿Quién Fue?
Thomas Alva Edison fue el inventor estadounidense por excelencia. Comenzó su carrera en 1863, en la adolescencia de la industria del telégrafo.
3. ¿Cuáles fueron sus inventos?
Desde sus laboratorios y talleres emanó el fonógrafo, el transmisor de carbono-botón del altavoz del teléfono y micrófono, la lámpara incandescente, un generador de eficiencia, la primera luz eléctrica comercial, unferrocarril eléctrico experimental, y los elementos clave de aparatos de imágenes en movimiento, así como una serie de otras invenciones.
4. ¿Cuándo y donde murió?
Murió el 18 de Octubre 1931, en West Orange, N.J.

Unidad II. Estructura de la oración

What is Human Resource Outsourcing

Being a pioneering idea, human resource outsourcing mainly profits the regions of processing and gathering business looking for a winning proposal. In addition to this, the merchant’s venture offers the employees a faster, superior and cost effective tune to go through their every day work flow. Outsourcing however, got the whole new implication when it comes to the marketplace as a new style of outsourcing HR along with all works.
These fresh entries in the marketplace established to be firm line and product oriented. The strategies of human resource outsourcing are directly marketed to the companies plus higher officials with no going through the extensive ladder of officials plus events which saves plenty of time and efforts on the company’s division.
This amplifies the necessity of Human resource outsourcing services and firms linked with it. It was then supposed that outsourcing the human resource is the service that could be the prospect of main accounts administration to a corporation.
Fueled by efficient technology and modernized thoughts, human resource still, is not the earliest commerce field to face an unexpected bang in the marketplace. But, alter experienced by its optimizers was marvelous and made the gossip of the urban. Fast implementation of work, improved pay arrangement, prepared accounts information and payment of salary was prepared so simple by means of outsourcing services of human resources. Companies of Human Resource Outsourcing were accepted and their attendance was felt by each tiny, average and big level business firms. A company can carry out human resource services within or can even outsource itself. But, outsourcing of the human resource services may show to the companies as extremely helpful as well as having broad extend or varied commerce structure.


1. Escribe la idea principal del texto (en español)

Hablan sobre  ¿Qué es Outsourcing de Recursos Humanos? Y que es una idea pionera y que tiene una implicación completamente nueva en lo que respecta al mercado como un nuevo estilo de la contratación externa de recursos humanos.
Dicen que Empresas de Outsourcing de Recursos Humanos fueron aceptadas y su presencia se hizo sentir por cada uno de las empresas de negocios pequeños, medianos y grandes niveles.

2. Selecciona tres oraciones e indica:
         Frase nominal, pre y post modificadores y  núcleo
         Frase verbal, núcleo
         Tiempo verbal de la oración

    Oración 1:
The strategies of human resource outsourcing are directly marketed to the companies plus higher officials with no going through the extensive ladder of officials plus events which saves plenty of time and efforts on the company’s division.

    FN: The strategies of human resource outsourcing
    N: The strategies
    Pre modificador: -------
    Post modificador: of human resource outsourcing
    FV: are directly marketed to the companies plus higher officials with no going through the extensive ladder of officials plus events which saves plenty of time and efforts on the company’s division.
Núcleo de la frase verbal: Are
    Tiempo: Presente simple

    Oración 2:
These fresh entries in the marketplace established to be firm line and product oriented.
   FN: These fresh entries in the marketplace
    N: entries
    Pre modificador: These fresh
    Pos modificador: of in the marketplace
    FV: established to be firm line and product oriented.
    Núcleo de la frase verbal: established
    Tiempo: Pasado Simple.
    Oración 3:
Companies of Human Resource Outsourcing were accepted and their attendance was felt by each tiny, average and big level business firms.
    FN: Companies of Human Resource Outsourcing
    N: Companies
    Pre modificador: ------
    Pos modificador: of Human Resource Outsourcing
    FV: were accepted and their attendance was felt by each tiny, average and big level business firms.
    Núcleo de la frase verbal: were
    Tiempo: Pasado Simple.

3. Busca 2 ejemplos de elementos referenciales
These fresh entries in the marketplace established to be firm line and product oriented.

·         Pronombres demostrativos: This, These, that
·         Conectores: And

Unidad I. Uso Apropiado del Diccionario.

Some Fundamental Job Interview Questions and Answers

Thereby increase your chances of being recruited. A simple Google search for “sample job interview”, will lead you to varied examples of job interviews. In these links, you can find possible questions that may be asked by your company recruiters. These questions can be a handy and very useful source in preparing for your job interview.
Since no jobs or organizations are alike, their interview methodologies would also vary accordingly. Certain companies majorly focus on your behavior, how one would react to positive appraisals and criticisms in a group or how one would handle a particular crisis situation. Other employers would like to get some positive attributes in their seeker by conducting the interview through webcam, prior to investing to fly into your town. This methodology is generally accepted by interviewers based in a different state or country at times.
The questions would correspond to the interview method being adopted and correspondingly would vary their answers. You may even be given a chance to question your recruiters. Employers generally prefer a candidate who shows his inquisitiveness and is interactive with the other management staff of the company. One should neither shirk from asking questions nor act foolish by asking those which have very obvious reasons.
Here is an insight to the job interview questions that may be put across from the other side of the table to you. Also conveyed are some answers to them.
Q: How do you picture a typical day/week for yourself?
A: This question demands a very detailed description. Clearly highlight some of your day to day responsibilities and tasks. Thereafter, make sure that everything you speak is well knit with the job profile you are being interviewed for. The more linking you exhibit between your past job and your would-be job, the better are your chances of being hired. Employers highly accolade this attribute of using your skills adapted from your past job to your new job.
Q: What is that factor which drives you to work hard?
A: It is obvious that your interviewer does not know you very well. He would really want to know why you were successful in your last job. Undoubtedly, your answer would vary in accordance to your last job(s). Some generalized answers as observed over the years could be that you enjoy being challenged, you are always looking for ways to keep your boss happy, and you are very customer oriented and give their needs the utmost priority.
The job interview questions are more or less on similar lines except for some very high profile jobs. Several famous books by writers come in handy when preparing for a job interview. These books serve as a collection of the most commonly asked questions, and provide answers to them. A pre preparation to handle such job interview questions gives you an edge over your peers’ applying for the same job. A casual approach could simply lead to not being hired.


1. Identifica 5 palabras que no conoces y busca su significado en el diccionario, indícalas abreviaciones.

Seeker: (sustantivo) buscadores, de tesoros.
Handy: (adjetivo)  útil, práctico, venir bien o resultar útil.
Should: (verbo) past of shall, debería.
Accolade: (sustantivo), elogio.
Several: (adjetivo), varios.

2. Identifica las siguientes categorías lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoría)

·        Palabras de contenido: Find, Know.
·        Palabras de Función: Of, And.
·        Verbos:  Speak, Drives.
·        Adverbio: Generally, Clearly.
·        Adjetivo: These, Several, This.
·        Artículo: The, Some.
·        Preposiciones: From, To.
·        Conjunción: And, Or.
·        Cognados verdaderos: Methodologies, Company.
·        Cognados Falsos: Chances, Table.
·        Sufijo: Management, Preparing
·        Prefijos: Recruiters, Undoubtedly.

3. Escribe la idea principal del texto (en español)

Hablan sobre algunas preguntas y respuestas fundamentales en las entrevista de trabajo
dicen que una simple búsqueda en Google de "entrevista de la muestra de trabajo", te  llevará a variados ejemplos de entrevistas de trabajo. Estas preguntas pueden ser una fuente útil  en la preparación para su entrevista de trabajo.
 Los empleadores suelen preferir a un candidato que muestra su curiosidad y es interactivo con el personal de gestión de la empresa.
He aquí una idea de las preguntas de entrevista de trabajo que puede ser puesto frente al otro lado de la mesa para usted. Asimismo, transmitió algunas respuestas a las mismas.
Q: ¿Cómo te imaginas un día típico / semana para usted?
R: Esta pregunta exige una descripción muy detallada. Es evidente que resaltar algunas de sus responsabilidades cotidianas y tareas. Después de eso, asegúrese de que todo lo que hablamos es bien coordinados con el perfil de trabajo que usted está siendo entrevistado para.